Chris is a family man who lives in Norfolk , a county in the UK in a part of the country known as 'East Anglia'.
Family folk lore says that a family member was Lt.Richard Dowling whose actions along with those of his men at Sabine
Pass in Texas in 1864 is generally regarded as the greatest feat of arms of all time .
Both Chris and I are trying establish a concrete link, and hopefully we can have Chris elevated to Full Membership of
the SCV.
Having listened to Chris and hearing what information has been passed down,I would be very surprised if he wasnt a relative
or even descendant of Lt. Dowling.
In the 1864 thousands of Federals backed up by a huge fleet of Ironclad warships was defeated by just a few men in a
half built fort. So conclusive was the defeat and so high were the Federal casualties that here in Britain I have often read
in old newspaper obituries from those times how families have lost sons aboard ships at Sabine Pass.
Chris is passionate about Confederate Heritage and he is looking forward to meeting other members and attending future